Friday, 27 January 2012

Ferrari Shop

There is a Ferrari Shop at Marina Bay.  It has a real Formula 1 inside. There are little models of Lamborgini's and Ferraris.  There are even little teddies wearing Formula 1 race suits.  I love going to this shop because it has lots of cars and there is a little peddle car just like a normal Ferrari!! I would love to own it but everything in this shop is VERY EXPENSIVE!!


  1. hi arlyn & lachlan

    ferrari is a nice car but not as nice as my 67 mustang convertible!!!!
    Also we like the pool in your apartment. We are visiting your Nan G and Poppy. We have had chinese for dinner and it was lovely. Your Poppy and Uncle Lester are having a couple of cold "soft drinks" and Nan G and
    Aunty Lyn are having a bubbly.

    Say hello to your mum and dad.

    Love to you all
    From the Kingaroy Peanuts

  2. Hi Arlyn, my Dad is so jealous because he loves Ferraris!!
    From Evan

  3. Glad you all like the Ferrari! Mustangs are good too!
