Friday 6 January 2012

Titanic Exhibition

This is the Artscience Museum in Singapore.

Today I went in there to see the Titanic Exhibition.
We looked at things that have been brought up out of the wreck.  The boat sunk when it hit a big iceberg about 100 years ago.

We weren't allowed to take  photos inside the exhibition.

Sometimes you felt like you were in the ship.  We started off in the First Class area and we worked our way to the deck. When we got to the deck it was night time. It started to feel colder and we knew we were getting close to hitting the iceberg!  We went into this room where there was a pretend iceberg made of real ice. There were hand marks all over it.
We watched a video of how the Titanic sunk.  My favourite bit was when the ship broke in half. The boat was heading straight for the iceberg. The captain steered it out of the way at the last minute but the iceberg still hit the side of the boat. The bottom of the boat at the front was filling up with water.  One of the big poles fell over, then there was a fire in the middle of the ship and all the lights turned off. Then the ship snapped in half and sank.

 Here is a picture of the Boarding Pass we got at the start. My name was John Bourke and I found out that this man died when the ship sank.  The people Mum and Lachlan had on theirs both survived!

At the end we got to make a paper life boat!
They were going to put 32 life boats on the Titanic which would have been enough for everyone, but when they had almost finished building it, they decided to only put about 20 life boats on.

I hope you have learned lots about the Titanic today, I know I have!

From Arlyn

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic blog, Singapore looks great , only a few more weeks now and we will be there

    Grandad & Nana Julie
